Community Involvement and Outreach
We love the community of Putney!
We take great joy and pride in being actively involved with a vast variety of community events, leaders and organizations.
Round-Up for Community
At a cash register, you can donate your change easily to local non-profit agencies that help to create change within our community. The round-up recipients are chosen by the Co-op membership body every year at our Annual Meeting. The change is then collected for four months for each of the recipients. You may donate any amount; it's easy to tell the cashier to round up your total to the next dime or dollar, and it is automatically added to your total.
This is a great way to help our community!
The Putney Foodshelf and food for kids at pcs
We support our friends at the Putney Foodshelf with weekly donations and a donation bin from the community within our front entryway.
We also assist them with events and outreach and our GM Robyn is on their Board of Directors!
Please feel free to reach out to the Foodshelf directly with any questions you may have!
Photography by Justin Altman
The Putney Business Alliance
We are proud members of the Putney Business Alliance along with our friends at Next Stage Arts Project and the Putney General Store.
We celebrate the unique and magical spirit of our village and surrounding areas while providing resources for those visiting us from away, moving to the area, or just looking to get to know their home and community members a little better!